Over time so many writers have debated on how much sex is healthy.Some are afraid and concluded that too much sex might be unhealthy.
The followings were said by sexual addiction and disorder specialist:
Robert Weiss gave this narration:
As a sexual addiction and intimacy disorders specialist, I am often
asked about the frequency of sex. Couples want to know what is
"healthy." Usually, they're afraid they're either having way too much
sex or not nearly enough. Either way, it's a legitimate concern that can
easily lead to stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues and even
the end of an otherwise successful relationship.
According to the GSS, married couples have sex an average of 58 times
per year. However, this number lumps 25-year-old newlyweds into the same
pool as senior citizens who've celebrated their golden anniversary, and
it does not include unmarried long-term couples. There may or may not
be much difference in the sexual behaviors of married and unmarried
committed couples, but there is almost certainly a difference between
young newlyweds and their grandparents, which means the 58 times per
year number is not overly-meaningful. Recent GSS surveys support this
assertion, showing that couples in their 20s have sex 111 times per year
on average, with frequency dropping steadily, about 20 percent per
decade, as couples age. In other words, young couples have sex slightly
more than twice per week on average, with the number declining steadily
over time.