Thursday, September 12, 2013


How To Manage Malaria

How to manage malaria
Surely medical experts will first ask you to conduct malaria test to check your level of exposure.  Dr handish said if i ask a patient to open his eyes wide i can detect the level of malaria. Dr handish has this to say: to ward off the risk of malaria do the following:

1. Go for medical check up every three months to test for malaria parasite
2. If your test detect 25 percent risk, treat immediately.
3. If you live in a tropical region, clean your environment.
4. Use treated net on your bed
5. Maintain a balance room temperature depending on your region or as recommended in your area.
6. Never indulge in self- medication
7. Eat moderately and drink atleast 1/2 litters of portable water
8. Have enough rest for at least 5 to 6 hours it is ideal for a standard healthy living. 


How To Manage Malaria?
 If you live in a tropical region you need to treat yourself 
quarterly or half yearly says Dr Tish. You need to do the following to treat yourself: 
Check my blog for details
When you first discover you are having some symptoms of malaria, before you proceed 
to take any medication, take pain relief and watch your system for 24hrs if no 
improvement go for check up with your medical practitioners. Do not engage in selfmedication. Allow medical experts to do their job. Self-medication has led to much 
untimely death. Because we have different body system, blood group and genotype, a 
drug that is applicable to patient A might not be applicable to patient B.
You can now watch series of films and learn how to drive on the express on my blog.


To ward off the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes and frequently suffer malaria you need to do the following:
Step 1.
Environment: Clean your environment,check the passage of water in your drainage, fumigate your house bi-annually,use insecticides on two to three days basis depending on the level of risk you are expose to. CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN their is no any other substitute for personal hygiene than to live a clean life.
Step 2. 
House Arrangement: Over time packing of excess luggage in the house might create a platform for mosquitoes and even other dangerous element to hide and live in. Make sure that few load are packed in the house,ensure free flow of ventilation,give a lot of space in the bedroom and move most items into the store. Allow your living room to have a lots of space.
Don't keep debris in the house. Plan your time to CLEAN. Adequate cleaning is a prerequisite part of life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


How do i know if i have malaria. Dr Tish a seasoned medical expert have this to say about malaria and what to do when discovered?

The following symptoms will occur when you have malaria:
1. Slight headache
2. Frequent tiredness
3. Change in taste
4. Inability to eat as usual 
5. Dryness in the face
6. Inability to sit down in a place for a long time.
7. Cold weather will be uncomfortable for you.
8.Restless night