Thursday, September 5, 2013


Question: Lydia: I met a wonderful, kindhearted,caring and hard working guy two years ago, we are very compatible and all seems to be working well. We have schedule our wedding till January 2014. My greatest challenge at the moment is that he frequently ask for sex anytime we meet,this is really compelling on my side. I do not want us to have moral knowledge of each other before we marry. What should i do?
Answer: At this time, your courtship is almost over, the feelings is high, so make sure you engage in a constructive activities, and never stay alone. Encourage your mate to be patient if he really love you and that is why experts suggest that courtship period should be limited to six months, meaning when the date is fixed then the anxiety is high. Remember some courtship breaks a month before. Warning!!! Never be alone.


Question: Laurence, i have dated series of ladies,six months ago, i started courtship. How long do i need to court before i get married?
Experts says courtship is a period of planning and effort must be made not to extends the timing beyond one year,six months is the minimum. Their is danger when you extends courtship beyond suggested time:
1. It may lead to casual sex
2. One party may change his or her mind
3.The anxiety is gone because both parties already have moral knowledge of each other before marriage.
4. Families may suggest quitting most especially for the ladies.
5. Ladies may develop sense of insecurity 
6. If the guy is rich other ladies might put pressure on the guy.
Note: Do not allow your courtship to stay more than necessary, in all you do plan and apply wisdom.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Question:Jensen, I'm already 30 years of age, with minimum qualification of ND, No job at the moment, still squatting with someone. I met a lady one year ago, we dated and are now courting, she just completed her NCE programme. I'm deeply in love with her and have proposed to get married in Oct. What should i do?
The first thing to do is to get a job or something doing that can put food on your table and at least feed two mouth.
To actualize your plan you need to
1. Save to be able to secure portable accommodation,you cannot get married while squatting.
2. Remember you need to averagely plan for what will be in the mega apartment you want to live with your future mate, that takes time too.
3. You need to save for the event, take a stock of how much you will need to get married in you country of birth. If you live in Britain or America you might spent much, if you desire to do so. 
4. When you have save considerably for the event and life after the event then you are set to settle down.
5. Don't rush into letting people deceive you that they will support you, they might never do.
Plan as if you don't need anyone to help you!!!   

Monday, September 2, 2013


Question:Im just 14 years of age and im already developing strong feelings for opposite sex. The fact is that im not even ready for dating, what should i do?.
Answer: You need to spend quality time on your studies,read the scriptures and get your mind busy with constructive activities.Dont wash movies that is meat for adult,beware of pornography and unhealthy web sites. Try this for one month and you will get over it. If no special improvement you need to see a marriage therapist. check details from

Dating and Marriage

Question: I have four dates, they all have good qualities, God fearing,hardworking,friendly, respectful and of all career oriented? TJ
Answer:When you are in this situation you need the third eyes to see beyond theordinary, this third eyes is called the eagle eye,religious people call it the spiritual eyes. At this time if you are sensitively positioned your mind will talk to you. The decision to make a choice is a sensitive one and must not be wrong. 


Dating and Marriage
Question: I have four dates, they all have good qualities, God fearing,hardworking,friendly, respectful and of all career oriented? TJ
Answer:When you are in this situation you need the third eyes to see beyond the ordinary, this third eyes is called the eagle eye,religious people call it the spiritual eyes. At this time if you are sensitively positioned your mind will talk to you. The decision to make a choice is a sensitive one and must not be wrong.