Friday, October 4, 2013


Question: I feel tired when i get to work every morning even before the starting of my day activities. Not only that, i frequently suffer headache at the early hours of the day and at the close of the day before going to bed. I have conducted test to know if i have malaria and was told no symptom of malaria sighted. what should i do. This question was sent to Bush Ray a British medical specialist and he said...When you discover this consult a medical expert for check up and we will conduct wider test to see the extent of malaria and typhoid, we can then proceed to series of test for further examination. Don't indulge in self medication

Thursday, October 3, 2013


I have multi task activities in the office and it seems to me that is all encompassing and tedious, how do i plan myself?
1. Prioritize your task
2. Pay attention to the most important task and complete the task
3. Go to the next task and do the same
4.If some task cut across each other complete them simultaneously
5.Set a time to accomplish each task
6.Learn the rule of back safety if the nature of your job is to sit in the office
7. If you are a technicians/doctors/lawyers who's activities might not require you to sit in the office take time off to relax.
8. Do not over eat
9. Drink a lot of fluids e.g water,fruits etc
10.Evaluate what was done for the day and move unaccomplished task to the next day.
11. Maintain a schedule template and tick all task accomplished.
12. If you feel feverish contact your doctor and take necessary medication.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Question:Due to the level of my activities on a daily basis im always disorganized what can i do to maintain a well balanced day and enjoy every bit of it?
Answer: You need to consider the followings to enjoy your day activities:
  • Planning: Plan your daily activities a night before the new day in other to allow you to have enough time to think of what you needed to do the following day.
        The followings item need to be considered:
  1. When do i wake up in a typical day?.
  2. When do i take my birth and dress up for the day?.
  3. How many minutes of exercise do i need?.
  4. How much time do i need to check my personal mails?.
  5. If you work in the office what is your typical day schedules and do i have day before back-lock to attend to?
  6. If you are a business man how many clients/customers do i need to follow up on?. 
  7. Do i have interesting blog that i read daily?
  8. How many people do i need to call, mail and visit?.
  9. Do i have other materials like the Holy book,magazine,news paper etc to read?.
If all these are met then your day will be splendid and you can evaluate your progress after the day work.