Friday, December 6, 2013

LIFESTYLES-Learn from Bill Gates

Before you were born,your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were.
Bill Gates: So before you save the rain forest from  the parasites of your parent's generation,try delousing the closet in your own room.
Anderson: Delouse mean to remove,clean or wash yourself or someone probably of a menace. Purge yourself from the inside,follow a dynamic positive school of thought that will save your future generation of any error of the youth. You are the future generation and leaders, be the best you can be and your parent will never bored a bit.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

LIFESYLES-Learn from Bill Gates

RULE NUMBER 6:  If you mess up!!!

BILL GATES: it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
ANDERSON: Every man living on the surface on this earth will be 95 percent responsible for every decision they make, parent will do their part to send you to school or on training, it is your whole responsibility to chart the course intend to follow. Remember, Warren Buffet Father never told him to buy shares at the age of 11 and when he started a paper vendor business at the age of 14 it was his personal decision to do so. Note that whether you are in school or at work place you can afford to mess up if not you will miss the track. Its not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them and move on with your life.

LIFESTYLES-Learn from Bill Gates

Rule Number 5
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. 
BILL GATES: Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
ANDERSON: Opportunities is one of the major element of success. Successful people in life has applied special formula that worksSuccess is what happens when preparations meet opportunity.






Wednesday, December 4, 2013

LIFESTYLES-Learn from Bill Gates

Rule Number 4: If you think your teacher is touch,
Bill Gates: Wait till you get a boss
Anderson: Students and workers that are with the notion that my teacher is touch does not get things done on time, or if they do, they do it half way.Most Teachers are perfectionist, they want you to do or carry out whatever task you are given even better than what they suggested.Note that those who do well with their teachers naturally ally with the society when they eventually get to work with people. What you need whether you are a student or worker to succeed is to learn how to work with different personalities.
For Students:
  • Understand different personalities of your classmates
  • Understand different personalities of your subject teachers
  • Refrain from being dedicated to one subject or teacher, it could affect your learning and concentration from other teachers and subject you are not dedicated to. 
For Workers:
  • Understand different personalities of your work mate
  • Never work alone, team work work
  • Never find fault  
  • Never confront your boss, it could lead to a loss of job and a bad record
  • Be a servant and you will one day lead